"And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, 'And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness,' and he was called the friend of God" (James 2:23).
Abraham's faith was demonstrated through his actions. He did what he believed. We can see the progression of Abraham's authority in his willing sacrifice of Isaac. First of all, he loved God and he loved Isaac. Isaac was the son of the promise that God had given to him. Abraham loved him enough that he was willing to dedicate Isaac's life to God's purpose. Don't forget that though Abraham would lay Isaac on the altar of sacrifice, he had previously told his servants that both he and the boy would return. God will provide a lamb. Abraham believed what he said--that God would provide and that Isaac would continue to live. Secondly, Abraham had a clear word from God--to sacrifice Isaac on the altar. He knew what God wanted him to do (not Abraham's idea--but God's idea). Thirdly, Abraham acted on his love and his knowledge of God's will. Fourth, his faith grew when the angel stopped Abraham's hand and revealed a ram caught in the nearby thicket. Finally, his authority grew--"reckoned as righteousness" and "friend of God".
Today, attempt to ACT out of LOVE and KNOWLEDGE in order to grow in FAITH and AUTHORITY. Read a paragraph from the Bible and then invite the Holy Spirit to make application into your life. Then "do what you believe" all day long!