"When pride comes, then comes dishonor, But with the humble is wisdom" (Proverbs 11:2).
The Bible uses five different words to convey the idea of pride and arrogance. I bet that, like me, you have lived out every one of them...lol.
Here are the five meanings:
#1--Puffed up. To wrap in mist or to raise smoke. An early morning fog covers everything and looks immense, but it really only contains a very small amount of water.
#2--Inflated estimate of self. To look down on others. We can easily deceive ourselves into believing that we are more than we really are.
#3--Empty presumptive trust in the untrustworthy.
#4--A swelling of the sea.
Now to be clear, God would have us not live out any of these definitions. Augustine said, "It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels." Our pride does not accomplish the will of God--rather, it puts us on a collision course with God. It is humility that places us in a position to receive God's rescue and blessing.
Let's keep an eye on our attitudes today and as often as possible, let's move from pride to humility.