Wednesday, July 20, 2011


"What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you?  Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members?" (James 4:1)

I don't know about you...but I hate pain.  I avoid discomfort as much as I possibly can.  And since this life is filled with problems--I find that I am internally conflicted a great deal of the time.  And that makes me  I want pleasure but it seems that God provides pain.  To paraphrase James, "What is the source of my stress? It's that I have a wonderful plan for my life--a plan for pleasure not pain--and the world is not cooperating."  And if it's true for me, then I'm pretty sure that it's true for you too.  Who is it that you get irritated with?  It's the person who isn't cooperating with your plan, right?  It happens at home.  It happens at work.  It happens at church.  It happens...

Today, let's remember that the purpose of our life on this planet is not pleasure.  It's not pain either!  The purpose of our day is to know God more intimately.  Look for Him--He is out there waiting for you--perhaps disguised as your problems.

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