"This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil" (John 3:19).
It is a very natural thing to want to hide our imperfections, our flaws, our failures, and our sin. The word translated "evil" in this verse does not care the devilish idea that we most often think of as evil. The word "evil", here is the Greek word, "poneros", which means, "full of hardship, annoyances, pain, and trouble". We all experience this kind of evil just about every day. Here is the message of the verse: when we keep our struggles to ourselves, we are condemning (judging) ourselves to a life of struggle. Freedom and deliverance come when we bring these "hardships, annoyances, pain, and trouble" into the light and share them with each other.
Today, don't just struggle, but rather, share your struggle with someone you trust. This is where the healing begins...
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