Wednesday, April 25, 2012


"You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews" (John 4:22)
What is the source of your salvation?  And by salvation, I mean "deliverance" or "rescue".  What, or who, do you look to in order to have your needs met?  Go ahead and think of something . . . job, family, relationship, finances, etc.  Here is why it matters: The source of your salvation happens also to be the focus of your worship!  We naturally give honor and priority to whatever it is that we believe is providing for our security and our happiness.  Another way to gauge the object of worship is to consider the source of potential despair?  What would devastate you if you were to lose it?  Anything or anyone that can cause despair in our hearts is an object of worship.  Jesus says, that we worship what we do not know.  In other words we ignorantly worship unreliable gods.  In reality, salvation is from the Jews.  It is gift-wrapped in a Jewish body.  Salvation is Jesus!
Today, let's consciously choose to worship Jesus.  Let's move our allegiance from the fragile to the firm--from the unreliable to the undeniable!

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