"Meanwhile the disciples were urging Him, saying, 'Rabbi, eat.' But He said to them, 'I have food to eat that you do not know about.'" (John 4:31-32).
It might surprise you to find out that Jesus has ways to satisfy your hunger that you have never imagined. He has food that you don't know about. We hunger for a great many things in this life: security, fulfillment, health, wealth, fame, love, and the list goes on. In the same that we my settle--or even prefer--a burger and fries, we also settle for what's cheap, what's convenient, and what's quick when comes to meeting our insatiable hunger for purpose in life. We cruise through the drive-through for a super-sized order of hurts, habits, and hangups, ignorant that a delicious chef's signature dish has been personally prepared for us.
Today, let me invite you to make a dinner date with Jesus. He has a feast awaiting you--and He hates to eat alone.
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