Monday, October 31, 2011


"Let no one say when he is tempted, 'I am being tempted by God'; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone" (James 1:13).
God is not a tempter.  My friends, God is for you!  He does not want you to fall to temptation and in fact, He is making a way of escape for every temptation.  Heaven is fighting for you today!  James is going to be telling us where temptation comes from but he wants us to understand right up front that temptation in no way comes from God!  God is not dangling sin in front of you.  God is more like the lighted exit sign in a dark theatre--pointing the way out!
There are many of us at Grace River who have struggled with a great many things.  Some of us have found help through a Christ-centered 12-step program called Celebrate Recovery.  I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to sit down with any of you and share about Celebrate Recovery, to let you know about counseling resources that we have at Grace River, or to just hear your story (I'll tell you mine too).  "Grace River is a safe place where anyone can come as they are and find hope and healing for their hurts, habits, and hangups."
No, God is not tempting you...but He is providing a way of escape.  Email or call me if you want to talk.  Why not do it today?

Friday, October 28, 2011


"Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him" (James 1:12).
There are four words in this verse that need a little bit of amplification: "Blessed" is often translated as "happy".  This is, however, much deeper than just happy--it's a deep fulfillment.  The next word is "persevere".  It means to endure with hope.  It is to put up with hardship believing that a better day is coming.  The third word is "approved" and it means to be found genuine through testing. The purity of gold is often tested by exposing it to sulphuric acid.  If it's pure--it remains.  If the gold is mixed with other metals then there will be a reaction.  If it doesn't react--then it is approved as pure gold.  The final word 'crown" is simply the prize that is given to an athlete following a contest.  For us, it's a trophy or a medal--the declaration of 1st place.
Now read the verse again with the fuller understanding of these words.  Here's how I would do it:  "Deeply blessed and fulfilled is the person who has gone through hell believing that heaven was just around the corner. Their ability to suffer without the expected reaction of complaint, anger or bitterness, means that they really have been transformed by Jesus.  They will receive the trophy--the ability to really live--which Jesus has promised to those who keep on loving Him."  Here's a simpler shot at it: "Those who really live have found fulfillment in Jesus--even with all of their problems".
Today, when you face the mountain of some kind of problem--start climbing--the view is beautiful from the top!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


"For the sun rises with a scorching wind and withers the grass; and its flower falls off and the beauty of its appearance is destroyed; so too the rich man in the midst of his pursuits will fade away" (James 1:11).
This is simple enough: in the same way that the hot wind will quickly wither a flower on a hot summer day, so will our pursuit of pleasure quickly end.  We strive for a pain-free life and our culture tells us that a better job, a better family, a better house, that more riches will provide a pain-free life for us.  Not so, my friends!  Pain-free is for the next world--not this one.  Jesus said, "In this life you will have trouble" (John 16:33).  No, it's not about pain-free--it's about allowing the pain to chase you into the nurturing arms of your Father in Heaven.  He is here and He is waiting to hold you and to comfort you. 
Today, at the first sign of trouble--run home to your daddy!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


" . . . and the rich man is to glory in his humiliation, because like flowering grass he will pass away" (James 1:10).
In the same way that the poor person is to brag about his problems--knowing that they are growing him spiritually, the rich person is to brag about his coming demise.  This world and it's wealth will pass away not unlike a small flower in a field of grass.  James is just trying to get us to understand what matters--things that last forever--eternal things and spiritual things.  There is a lot of snow out there today but it won't last.  Today the snow closes school, but in just a few days--it will disappear, and we will get back to normal.  In the same way, "stuff" will not last.  You will last--but your stuff will not. 
So, spend today working on the spiritual eternal you--not collecting more stuff.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


"But the brother of humble circumstances is to glory in his high position" (James 1:9).
The mystery of the scriptures is that they are full of seemingly impossible maxims.  James says, "The humble brother should brag in his exalted situation".  WHAT?  In our way of looking at things, the humble--meaning: the broken, afflicted, failing, and poor--have absolutely nothing to brag about (glory in).  In fact, "the brother of humble circumstances" wants to change his circumstances just as quickly as possible.  So how do we understand what James is saying?  Here it is: your earthly struggles and problems are working to uniquely accomplish your spiritual health and happiness.  Consequently, the greater your pain, the greater your glory!  So, the broken and abused Christian should brag about how awesome they are becoming in the Kingdom of God.  Jesus says it this way, "You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule. You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you" (Matthew 5:3-4, The Message).
So today, keep in mind that your problems are simply at work to stretch your potential.  Each crisis is working to make you look more like Christ.  Go with it!

Monday, October 24, 2011


" . . . being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8).
Double-minded living results in instability!  What exactly does it mean to be double-minded?  We are double-minded when we are attempting to go in two directions at once--God's way and our way!  "To the one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin" (James 4:17).  God will not bless our  If things feel a bit unstable, perhaps it time to get some clarification from the Father in terms of what He is accomplishing.  Abandon your plans--and join His!
Today (and everyday), take ten to fifteen minutes and read a paragraph out of the Bible.  Think about what it says.  Is there a command for you to obey?  Is there a promise for you to claim?  Is there a revealing of who God is and what He is about?  Stability comes by obeying God alone!  Give it a try...

Friday, October 21, 2011


"For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord" (James 1:7).

There are plenty of verses in the Bible that I don't personally like--this is one of them.  I don't like it because it is a clear warning shot fired across the bow of my life's ship.  Who is that should not expect to receive anything from the Lord?  The answer to the question is found in the two verses preceding, v5-6.  I would summarize it as, "You and I should not expect to receive anything from God when we're lacking wisdom and direction.  Further, we should not expect to receive anything form God when we finally ask Him for help but we're not really ready to do what He says.  The word, "expect" in James 1:7 carries the idea of a conceited assumption.  It's almost like we believe that God owes it to us.  The word, "anything", means "anything"...and "everything".  The bottom line?  Don't arrogantly assume that God is going to rescue you when you have ignored his suggestions (more like commands).

Let me encourage you today to make sure that you are getting God's perspective as you are making decisions.  His way is the best way--truthfully, the only way!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


"But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind" (James 1:6).
If you are going through a difficult time, it would be wise to stop and ask God what He is accomplishing in your life.  It would be wise, before you make any decisions, to find out which way He thinks that you should go.  But when you ask Him, do your best to trust that His guidance is correct.  Try not to second-guess the Almighty--It usually doesn't go well.  The word, "doubt" in James 1:6 literally means, "divided"--to be drawn in more than one direction.  Look at this way, you're asking God what to do, while at the same time you're thinking about what you are going to do just in case you don't like God's idea.  You are doubting--or as James says in our verse today--you're drifting all over the place--being blown around by your circumstances.
Today, remind yourself often that God loves you and that He can be trusted to guide your life.  Get in the Word today and seek to know His will.  Find a promise, or a command, or a truth about who God is.  Before, He even tells you what to do, determine that you will do it--no matter what!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


"But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him" (James 1:5).
When you are in the middle of a trial--You really need God's perspective.  Wisdom is defined very simply as, "knowing what God knows--seeing through His eyes".  If you can understand God's perspective on your difficulty, then you are more than halfway there.  My translation of James 1:5, "If you don't know what God is doing--then ask Him!"  The Greek implies, "You must ask Him!"  The promise is that God will give His wisdom "generously" or freely, unconditionally, liberally.  Who will He give it to?  He Gives his perspective on things graciously to anyone who takes the time to ask.  "Without reproach" means that God doesn't judge you or rebuke you for asking.  He really does want you to know what He is doing in your life.  He wants you to see it from His perspective.  He wants you to understand the meaning that is found in what often appears to be madness.
Today, pray this prayer as often as you remember it: "Reveal to me what you are doing in my life today".  When a problem comes, "Reveal to me what you are doing in my life through this".  When a blessing comes, "Reveal to me what you are accomplishing".  You and God are going to have a great time together today....hurry up!  He's waiting!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


"And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing" (James 1:4).
In the Greek, the first part of this verse is declared loudly like a command, "Endurance must have it's perfecting work!"  In other words, it is essential that we allow endurance, which is the fruit of testing, to accomplish it's purpose in our lives.  It must happen!  Endurance perfects us--it completes us!  It fills in our defects and makes us whole.  God allows trials and tests to attack us so that we will increase in endurance and thus grow healthier (stronger).
Though I don't do it now, I used to run quite a bit.  My goal in running was to get healthier and maintain a stronger physical condition.  I don't mind telling you that I don't like to run--I never have.  I don't run for pleasure--I run for conditioning.  For me, it's hard work as I, day after day, attempt to run farther and to run faster.  I have to resist the urge to quit.  I have to push through the pain.  I have to constantly remind myself of the benefit that I am gaining.  The more I run consistently, the more endurance that I gain, and the stronger that I become. 
I like to think that when problems and difficulties enter my life, that it's God saying, "Come on, Dave, let's go for a run". 
What are you enduring today?  Let me encourage you to focus on the benefit of your endurance today.  How is God growing you through your situation?  Keep going--the finish line is just ahead.

Monday, October 17, 2011


"Knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance" (James 1:3).
"Endurance" is the ability to run farther, to put up with more, and to remain standing when others are falling around us.  We need endurance and the way that we get it is through trials.
Today, when something goes wrong, try to remember that God will use it to make you stronger, to make you healthier, and to make you look more like Jesus.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials" (James 1:2).
Nobody likes trials.  Not one person that I know enjoys going through a difficult time.  Rather than enjoying them, we avoid them!  And yet, the Bible says, "consider it all joy".  The idea is to quite literally enjoy our trials with expressions of joy--laughter, smiles, giggles, etc.  This can only honestly happen if we understand what God is doing through our trials (see verses 3-4).  We will get to that in the next few days but for now let's just accept the fact that we will have trials and that God says that we should joyfully appreciate them.
Let me unpack two words for you that are in today's verse:  "encounter" and "various".
"Encounter" is the Greek word "peripipto" and literally means, "to fall into".  In Luke 10:30, Jesus says that a man "fell among" (peripipto) thieves.  He was attacked and robbed.  Understand that trials come and attack you and if you let them, then they will rob you of your joy.  That is the experience that most of us have.  God says, however, that it doesn't have to be that way--a proper God-perspective of trials can produce joy!
"Various" is the Greek word "poikilos" and it means "many-colored".  In addition to describing trials, the Bible uses poikilos in four other ways: 1--"poikilos" diseases, 2--"poikilos" lusts, 3--"poikilos" miracles, and 4--"poikilos" grace.  I find that really interesting.  Perhaps we need "many-colored" miracles for our "many-colored" diseases? And "many-colored" grace for "many-colored" lusts?
Today, when you are attacked by your multiple trials, invite the Holy Spirit to give you a proper God-perspective of them.  Allow the Father to enroll you in the School of Joy!

Friday, October 7, 2011

5-Fold Response to Crisis

1. Weep and Wail--Esther 4:1. Crying out is a natural response to severe crisis. It's amazing that so much of what God calls us to do comes quite naturally.
2. Take Courage and Overcome Fear--Esther 4:7-13. Queen Esther could easily see the reasons not to act--fear. Mordecai would give her the reasons to act--love.
3. Have Faith that Deliverance will Come--Esther 4:14. "Relief and deliverance will arise..." (v14). Now that's faith!
4. Understand God's Perspective (Wisdom)--Esther 4:14. "And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?" (v14). Can you see your place in God's plan? Understanding God's perspective of your place under the Sun is wisdom.
5. Pray and Fast--Esther 4:16. Anxiety naturally causes the loss of appetite. Match that up with desperate expressions of need to God and you've got a powerful combination.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


"On this day, with Mordecai sitting at the King's Gate, Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's eunuchs who guarded the entrance, had it in for the king and were making plans to kill King Xerxes. But Mordecai learned of the plot and told Queen Esther, who then told King Xwerxes, giving credit to Mordecai. When the thing was investigated and confirmed as true, the two men wre hanged on a gallows. This was all written down in a logbook kept for the king's use" (Esther 2:21-23, The Message).
Mordecai overheard an assination plot being planned against the king and reported it to Queen Esther. It perhaps seems routine and might be simply the right thing to do. This event, however, would have an amazing impact on Mordecai's future. This single act of loyalty to the king would prepare the way for Mordecai to become second in charge in all of the kingdom. God blesses loyalty. "He who pursues righteousness and loyalty finds life, righteousness and honor" (Proverbs 21:21, NASB).
Perhaps today, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate loyalty. Look for it...

Monday, October 3, 2011


Step 1: Start Where You Are--Read Esther 2:5-7. Esther was an orphaned exile living in a strange land as a ethnic minority. She had nothing going for her except her relative Mordecai and a great big God. What are you beginning today with?
Step 2: Look For an Opening--Read Esther 1:16-22. God was making a space for Esther to fill. It was bigger than her wildest dreams! God is making a space for you as well. Can you dream it?
Step 3: Meet the Qualifications--Read Esther 2:2-3. The king was looking for "beautiful young virgins"--so is our King, Jesus. You become one by surrendering and entrusting your life to Jesus. He make us all brand new--beautiful, young, and pure! Check out 2 Cor. 5:17 and then invite Jesus to recreate you today.
Step 4: Find Favor--Read Esther 2:8-10. Your destiny includes people that God will bring into your life in order to show you favor. These people will share with you the resources that you need to succeed. They will share wisdom, resources, and love. Begin to identify who some of these people might be.
Step 5: Prepare--Read Esther 2:12-15. It took more than a year of preparation for Esther to be ready to see the king. In the same way, God is patiently preparing you for the work ahead of you. Don't get in a hurry. Every day brings needed experiences that produce necessary growth for your future.
Step 6: Wear Your Crown--Esther 2:17. The day will come when the King will place a crown upon your head. Look forward to it--it is coming!