Tuesday, November 1, 2011


"But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust" (James 1:14).
God says through James that He is not the one tempting us.  Rather we are tempted by our own lusts--our own desires. 
"Carried away" means to be lured away.  The really rotten thing about a fishing lure is that it looks great to a fish--it's the most delicious looking little thing that the fish has seen all day--and yet it's deadly to him.  It looks delicious and so he turns to follow it.  The fish is being lured away and is now in great danger of being caught.  The lure looks great, but if the fish bites--then he is headed for somebody's dinner table.
"Enticed" is a different word that carries a similar meaning.  It means, "to catch with bait".  A good fisherman knows what kind of bait to put on the hook--he knows what the fish is hungry for.  If a fish is not hungry, then it doesn't matter what kind of bait you put on the hook--he will not be caught because he isn't going to bite anything--he's not hungry.
You and I are tempted by our own appetites--our own desires.  If we pursue them, in opposition to God's wisdom, then we are being lured away--we are being enticed and baited.  It won't end well.  The problem is that we are hungry and consequently we are more than willing to chase fake food.  The better course would be to fill yourself at God's endless buffet.  Jesus said, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again" (John 6:35, NLT).  The only thing that will satisfy our cravings is Jesus!  If you don't fill up on Jesus--then you will be hungry all day--and the odds are that you will foolishly chase a lure.
Today, let me encourage you to do three things:  #1--Read a paragraph from the Bible. Reread it over and over again several times.  You're looking for a promise, a correction, a direction, or a revelation of who God is.  #2--Invite Jesus to feed you with Himself throughout the day when you get hungry.  #3--Share your lunch with someone who may be hungry--you just might save their life.

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